
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Information report writing

A cheetah

A cheetah belongs to the cat family.

A cheetah has four legs and soft fur. It has spots and a tail. A cheetah also has whiskers because it belongs to the cat family.

A cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It can reach a top speed of 113 kilometers per hour. A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 113 kilometers per hour in a few seconds. Cheetahs hunt for their food during the day different from lions and tigers who hunt at night. A cheetah does not roar like other big cats.


Amy Tofa said...

Salesi, this is a great information report. You have learnt so much about cheetahs. Great work and I hope you will go and see a real cheetah at the Auckland Zoo soon too.

cherise said...

hi Salesi I like your report about cheetah there really fast

Aaliyahna said...

Hi Salesi that was very cool

inoke said...

hi salesi you did so much on your leaning that story is cool

Fineasi said...

hi salesi your the same as me i like cheetahs to

Mrs Sigamoney said...

Good information on cheetahs. Well done.

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