
Friday 31 July 2015


WALT: Identify poetic language features
SC: Identify and use poetic language features.

Mascots by Jenny Bornholdt SJ L2 June 2014

AGREE /DISAGREE Decide why you agree or disagree with these statements and explain why using information from what you read. Answer in full sentences

A dog fought fires for the Whanganui fire brigade.
fight the fires-he just he enjoyed the ride

A mascot can only support a team or army.
because dogs can support a team and sport

VOCABULARY - describe in your own words what these words mean (read the text to help you):

  1. swapped like you're swapping a pen.
  2. rousingly When they try to wake you up.

This poem does not use rhyme. What language features does it have? See Language Features
Using the same language features write a short poem about a pet or animal you know to describe how it likes to play.


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